Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Margaret Wehking Paintings

My latest decorative paintings painted with delicate accents of Margaret Wehking And Helen Barrick.


  1. Hello,

    Hope you will understand my english...I would like to paint your latest decorative painting of Margaret you sell the pattern or if there is a place where I could find Margaret Wehking projects.

    Thank you

  2. Your work is absolutely phenomenal. Margaret Wehking is my late great aunt and I just randomly googled her name and came across your blog! Thank you for keeping her amazing work alive through your work! :o]

  3. Hello June, I love your paintings and recently I acquired to of Margaret Wehking's books and plan to paint some of her designs. I am happy to see that there are a few people in KL who tole-paint other things besides roses. I started painting 2 years ago. Please feel free to view my blog at I also sell tole painting books by Helan Barrick, Shirley Wilson, Juliet Martin and others which is put for sale through my blog. I have to say your work is simply awesome and I love them.

  4. This post is really incredible, one of the most helpful I have ever read, indeed. picasso paintings
